Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Inspiration of the day.

Why not...?

I don't remember where I found this picture (I'm sorry), but today it just came into my hands again and I simply wanted to share it. 
I don't actually think I am already ready for the winter, since I haven't seen summer yet (here in London, if you don't know, we're stuck in November). But I would love to have a try with this outfit once. Maybe when it will be really November. 



Sinta said...

I quite like that outfit. It's like elegant grunge :) And I know what you mean, where's the sun!?!?

Giulia said...

hehehe! But today, we're actually lucky: 27°C!!! Unbelievable!!! It's summer, finally!

And for the outfit, you gave the perfect definition: elegant grunge. The only question is: would we (human women) look elegant grunge like this? .........................For fashion's sake we even have to rip our tights! aaaaaaahhhhhh!